The Community Sub-Committee has a broad mandate; to foster the growth of the alumni community and give back to the places where we live. Our sub-committee really is integral to ENGGYAC and touches all other sub-committees as we encourage the growth of the community.
We have programs and events of all kinds and are constantly coming up with new opportunities, working with many different community partners. Check out upcoming and past events below.

St. Teresa of Calcutta Playground Build
The Community Sub-Committee is excited to partner with St. Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Elementary School to build the school and the neighbourhood a new playground.
About the Project:
The project will take place from July 5 to July 7 (9AM - 6PM) at St. Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Elementary School
United Way’s Engineering Day of Caring 2022
16th Annual Engineering Challenge Day of Caring – Friday, September 16, 2022.
What is the Engineering Day of Caring?
“The Engineering Day of Caring is a collaborative initiative that provides volunteers with the
opportunity to work on a sustainable and high-impact community project through supporting a
United Way Funded Partner. Volunteers get to see and experience first-hand, how their
contributions will impact those in our community.”
16th Annual Engineering Day of Caring Project Location:
Camp Yowochas/YWCA

Got a Degree...Now What? 2022
The second annual "Got a Degree...Now What?" ENGGYAC and ESS recruited over 30 panelists to share their wisdom, insight, and experience with current Engineering at Alberta students. This was a moderated panel discussion.
We had a large and diverse cross-section of alumni speak to students and share their stories. Regardless of which department they graduated from, what industry/field they work in, or whether they still practice engineering; we want engineering students to know what is possible with their degrees and how to get where they want to go.
This was a virtual event held on January 27, 2022, with short presentations and a moderated Q&A panel discussion.

United way’s Engineering Day of Caring 2021
15th Annual Engineering Challenge Day of Caring – Friday, September 17, 2021.
What is the Engineering Day of Caring?
“The Engineering Day of Caring is a collaborative initiative that provides volunteers with the
opportunity to work on a sustainable and high-impact community project through supporting a
United Way Funded Partner. Volunteers get to see and experience first-hand, how their
contributions will impact those in our community.”
15th Annual Engineering Day of Caring Project Location:
Alex Taylor School – 9321 Jasper Ave
Operation Friendship Seniors Society
Pioneer Place – 10310–93 Street

New Playground at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Elementary School
The Community Sub-Committee is excited to partner with St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Elementary School to build the school and the neighbourhood a new playground. This event will be co-hosted with the University of Alberta’s Engineering Connects and Play Quest.
About the Project:
The project took place from July 6 to July 8 2021 (9AM - 6PM) at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Elementary School

Got a Degree...Now What? 2021
ENGGYAC and ESS recruited over 30 panelists to share their wisdom, insight, and experience with current Engineering at Alberta students. This was a moderated panel discussion.
We had a large and diverse cross-section of alumni speak to students and share their stories. Regardless of which department they graduated from, what industry/field they work in, or whether they still practice engineering; we want engineering students to know what is possible with their degrees and how to get where they want to go.
This was a virtual event held on January 14, 2021, with short presentations and a moderated Q&A panel discussion.
Welcoming Newcomers Program - Donation Drive
We partnered with the ‘Welcoming Newcomers program’ at the University of Alberta to collect items for 6 refugee students who came to the U of A mid-December 2020, at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. These students were recipients of the David Turpin and Suromitra Sanatani Award for Refugees and Displaced Persons, which is facilitated by the UAI’s Global Education Program (Welcoming Newcomers Program).
Some background on the students:
All of these refugee students came from refugee camps in Africa - five from camps in Kenya
and one from Malawi. Originally the students come from Somalia, South Sudan, and the Congo. More
information on the United Nations Refugee Agency, UNHCR’s, work in refugee camps in Kenya can be found here.
Originally these students would have arrived in August 2020, however with the omnipresent pandemic, their arrival
was delayed and they needed to undergo a 14-day mandatory quarantine isolation period prior to moving into their
residence housing in the new year.
How we were able to help?
Alumni donated 3 Jackets, kitchen supplies (dishes, Tupperware, small kitchen processor), multiple blankets & towels, men’s clothing, toques.
December 18 -23, 2020
United Way’s Engineering Day of Caring 2020
14th Annual Engineering Challenge Day of Caring – Friday, September 11, 2020.
What is the Engineering Day of Caring?
“The Engineering Day of Caring is a collaborative initiative that provides volunteers with the
opportunity to work on a sustainable and high-impact community project through supporting a
United Way Funded Partner. Volunteers get to see and experience first-hand, how their
contributions will impact those in our community.”
14th Annual Engineering Day of Caring Project Location:
Canadian Mental Health Association – Edmonton, Housing Program
Northern Arms Residence – 10745-113 St

Engineering Career Presentations to Edmonton Public Schools
The ENGGYAC community sub-committee is excited to announce an exciting opportunity to work with the Edmonton Public School Board (EPSB) for their Career Pathways Program. This is an exciting opportunity to talk to kids in Grades K to 12 through virtual classroom visits and share your passion and knowledge as an Engineer, together with the classroom teacher.
You will prepare a 30-60 minute classroom interactions linked to one of the 5 pathways:
Arts, Design and Communication
Business and Information Technology,
Construction, Manufacturing and Transportation,
Health, Education and Human Services, and
Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences.
Through the Community Marketplace teachers can request sessions for their classrooms and a Community Marketplace Coordinator helps with connecting your area of expertise with the students’ learning material. Furthermore, they assist with the scheduling process.
ENGGYAC will provide you with presentation templates and additional assistance throughout the process.