
  • Sponsorship
  • YYC Subcouncil
  • He/Him

I was born and raised in Calgary until University, where one speedy acceptance letter took me for a 5-year MEC E Co-op adventure up to Edmonton. After a few months break and a month-long trip to Europe (celebrating the co-op degree, paid for by the co-op degree), the winds of fate then took me back to Calgary with a 5-month engineering contract and finally my May 1, 2023, start at Fluor.

During this in-between year, I worked on my soft skills and discovered that I was quite the extrovert (weird). In the midst of that, thanks to their well-timed networking/kick-off event, I landed in ENGGYAC YYC to become their Sponsorship Lead.

On the personal side: Before university, I was a band kid. During university, I tried my jock phase via intramurals. Now, after university, I am blending those two by playing in a community band one night of the week and in the Calgary Sports & Social Club another night. (I also made the questionable decision of spending one of my first proper engineering pay-cheques on a really nice bass trombone.) Add volunteering and a modest social life, and you have a decently put together 20-something.

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